Thanks Matthew , you are correct.
I also realized i did not install X sets after sending my email, i am installin all X sets, but i guess those libs probably are on xfont48.tgz

Matthew Weigel wrote:
On Thu, 30 Jun 2011 20:50:20 -0300, Marcos Laufer wrote:
Hello list, i can't install webalizer. This is OpenBSD 4.8 stable, (with
pci.c rev 1.72 because this is a X336 IBM server)
Any ideas why?

ul6:/root{194}# pkg_add webalizer
Can't install gd-2.0.35p0 because of libraries
|library fontconfig.7.0 not found
| not found anywhere
|library freetype.17.1 not found
| not found anywhere

Those libraries are probably provided by install sets you didn't install... like xbase48.tgz. See for
more information.

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