On 10/19/05, Edy Purnomo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i suggested to my friend to replace his linux box to openbsd.
> he uses mailnly for internet gateway : pf + squid proxy
> after 2 weeks later he switched it back linux and said : linux much faster
> to respond the http requests (he had a same configuration on openbsd, pf +
> squid proxy).
> is there any program that can proof what he says ?
> thanks.
> -edy-

Hello, I put OpenBSD 3.8 snapshot on an old DEC 500pws with pf.conf
and it was okay on response. Then I redid my pf.conf with the tutorial
by Jeff Hansteen posted a couple of days ago.

Wow! what a difference. My DEC firewall is faster than snot loading up
web pages. It is like I upgraded my ADSL to a faster speed.

Beats my old Linksys router I was using before this.

Thanks OpenBSD and Jeff.

Best regards,


John 3:16

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