>>>Stick them up on http://www.nycbug.org/index.php?NAV=dmesgd;SQLIMIT=20 as
>>>as sending them to dm...@openbsd.org
>>Apologies to all for the delay; I've been a bit busy recently.  As an
>>existing dmesg database that I can directly upload to, that looks like
>>a good place for them.
>>I've uploaded the 43 I've gotten so far, and will put more up soon
>>(I've still got a couple of stores to hit).  You can find them by
>>filtering on submitter 'Dave Anderson'.  I had some uploading problems,
>>so there are also 9 garbaged copies I don't know of any way to delete;
>>I've asked the site owners to get rid of them.
>>Since I'm posting this info and sending it to the developers as well as
>>using it myself, I'm getting info from every notebook I can get my
>>hands on rather than restricting myself to ones that I might want to
> I just posted another 40 notebook dmesgs; I don't expect to post many
> more, since I've reported on just about everything at the local stores.
> Have fun!

Thanks for the dmesgs. It would really help people with knowing what works!

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