Hi Otto,

from careful code inspection, your patch looks correct.

Replacing the ">" by ">=" is wrong, it would breaks this test case:

  echo abc | ./obj/sed -E 's/(b|())/x/g'

However, the code is hard to follow, and i suggest the following
refactoring such that people doing a review can more easily check
the correctness of the code after application of the patch:

 1) X || Y || (!Y && Z) <=> X || Y || Z
    so leave out the middle + line of your patch.

 2) In case of match[0].rm_so == 0,
    the cspace in the if block you touch has no effect
    because copying zero bytes would be pointless.
    Thus, we can pull the cspace before the main if,
    optionally with an if (match[0].rm_so).
    That's also much easier to understand:
    *Always* copy the leading retained string, if any.

 3) In the else clause of "Move past this match",
    the if is completely pointless.
    For vanishing rm_so, both clauses do the same thing.

 4) Pull out the update of s and slen at the end.
    In the if checking whether the current match is empty,
    increment rm_eo exactly at the same time as copying the
    additional character.

The resulting code is much shorter and simpler,
and hence much easier to audit for correctness.

However, i'm a bit scared about touching this code.
Breaking this would be really bad.
I'm currently running a make build with it.


> Index: process.c
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.bin/sed/process.c,v
> retrieving revision 1.15
> diff -u -p -r1.15 process.c
> --- process.c 27 Oct 2009 23:59:43 -0000      1.15
> +++ process.c 15 Jun 2011 06:31:08 -0000
> @@ -336,7 +336,9 @@ substitute(struct s_command *cp)
>       switch (n) {
>       case 0:                                 /* Global */
>               do {
> -                     if (lastempty || match[0].rm_so != match[0].rm_eo) {
> +                     if (lastempty || match[0].rm_so != match[0].rm_eo ||
> +                         (match[0].rm_so == match[0].rm_eo &&
> +                         match[0].rm_so > 0)) {
>                               /* Locate start of replaced string. */
>                               re_off = match[0].rm_so;
>                               /* Copy leading retained string. */

Index: process.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.bin/sed/process.c,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -p -r1.15 process.c
--- process.c   27 Oct 2009 23:59:43 -0000      1.15
+++ process.c   18 Jun 2011 18:23:00 -0000
@@ -336,31 +336,25 @@ substitute(struct s_command *cp)
        switch (n) {
        case 0:                                 /* Global */
                do {
-                       if (lastempty || match[0].rm_so != match[0].rm_eo) {
-                               /* Locate start of replaced string. */
-                               re_off = match[0].rm_so;
-                               /* Copy leading retained string. */
-                               cspace(&SS, s, re_off, APPEND);
-                               /* Add in regular expression. */
+                       /* Copy leading retained string. */
+                       if (match[0].rm_so)
+                               cspace(&SS, s, match[0].rm_so, APPEND);
+                       /* Append replacement. */
+                       if (lastempty || match[0].rm_so ||
+                           match[0].rm_so != match[0].rm_eo)
                                regsub(&SS, s, cp->u.s->new);
-                       }
-                       /* Move past this match. */
-                       if (match[0].rm_so != match[0].rm_eo) {
-                               s += match[0].rm_eo;
-                               slen -= match[0].rm_eo;
-                               lastempty = 0;
-                       } else {
-                               if (match[0].rm_so == 0)
-                                       cspace(&SS, s, match[0].rm_so + 1,
-                                           APPEND);
-                               else
-                                       cspace(&SS, s + match[0].rm_so, 1,
-                                           APPEND);
-                               s += match[0].rm_so + 1;
-                               slen -= match[0].rm_so + 1;
+                       if (match[0].rm_so == match[0].rm_eo) {
+                               cspace(&SS, s + match[0].rm_eo++, 1, APPEND);
                                lastempty = 1;
-                       }
+                       } else
+                               lastempty = 0;
+                       /* Move past this match. */
+                       s += match[0].rm_eo;
+                       slen -= match[0].rm_eo;
                } while (slen > 0 && regexec_e(re, s, REG_NOTBOL, 0, slen));
                /* Copy trailing retained string. */
                if (slen > 0)

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