On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 7:47 AM, Donald Reichert <silvershadow...@gmx.de>
> Hi list,
> I'm preparing a pair of new servers, each equipped with a bunch of NICs in
order to replace some Cisco gear doing BGP and friends.
> What puzzles me right now is how to configure the stuff HD-wise. I have two
SSDs in each of the machines, my initial planning was to do some RAID-1 in
order to push uptime. (I have to admit that as a former Linux sceptic I have
made excellent experience with their RAID stuff -- thus my planning.)

You will not be happy with reliability of SSD
. Laptop/Workstation is different use and SSDs are used as cache and
not as storage in places where you need to trust your storage.

> However, as the years went by and my NetBSD knowledge isn't the best any
more (hint: RAIDframe), I'm not sure how to set up my OpenBSD routers. Is
there any 'best practice guide' out there? FAQ is a bit thin:
> http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#RAID
> So, after all I wanted to use softraid(4) and put everything except root
there, as, from what I read, OpenBSD cannot boot off a RAID partition at the
moment. Is that correct?

There are some "workarounds" until full boot support will be available

> Thanks,
> Donald
> --
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