On Thu, 24 Feb 2011 13:05:09 -0300
Hugo Osvaldo Barrera wrote:

> http://www.startssl.com/
> Why pay if you can have one for free trusted by every major browser?
> Sure, the "class 2" ones are pay-for, but the free one works as well as

I have it working on relayd with a clean firefox profile automatically
importing the intermediate and it works on chromium and IE (not checked
how likely an IE user is to have the root certs update, default win7
doesn't have them but my gaming XP box does but I selected the update).

However no matter what I do I can't get Opera to automatically import
the "StartCom Class 1 Primary Intermediate Server CA" certificate.

Can someone confirm that they have a default Opera working with a
startcom ssl certificate via relayd.

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