On 1 June 2011 11:01, LeviaComm Networks <n...@leviacomm.net> wrote:
> On 01-Jun-11 05:46, Benny Lofgren wrote:
>> On 2011-05-31 14.45, Artur Grabowski wrote:
>>> The load average is a decaying average of the number of processes in
>>> the runnable state or currently running on a cpu or in the process of
>>> being forked or that have spent less than a second in a sleep state
>>> with sleep priority lower than PZERO, which includes waiting for
>>> memory resources, disk I/O, filesystem locks and a bunch of other
>>> things. You could say it's a very vague estimate of how much work the
>>> cpu might need to be doing soon, maybe. Or it could be completely
>>> wrong because of sampling bias. It's not very important so it's not
>>> really critical for the system to do a good job guessing this number,
>>> so the system doesn't really try too hard.
>>> This number may tell you something useful, or it might be totally
>>> misleading. Or both.
>> One thing that often bites me in the butt is that cron relies on the
>> load average to decide if it should let batch(1) jobs run or not.
>> The default is if cron sees a loadavg>  1.5 it keeps the batch job
>> enqueued until it drops below that value. As I often see much, much
>> higher loads on my systems, invariably I find myself wondering why my
>> batch jobs never finish, just to discover that they have yet to run.
>> *duh*
>> So whenever I remember to, on every new system I set up I configure a
>> different load threshold value for cron. But I tend to forget, so...
>> :-)
>> I have no really good suggestion for how else cron should handle this,
>> otherwise I would have submitted a patch ages ago...
> I had tinkered with a solution for this:
> Cron wakes up a minute before the batch run is scheduled to run.  Cron will
> then copy a random 4kb sector from the hard disk to RAM, then run either an
> MD5 or SHA hash against it.  The whole process would be timed and if it
> completed within a a reasonable amount of time for the system then it would
> kick off a batch job
> This was the easiest way I thought of measuring the actual performance of
> the system at any given time since it measures the entire system and
> emulates actual work.
> While this isn't really the right thing to do, I found it to be the most
> effective on my systems.

You really think cron should be doing it's own calculation ? I don't
like that *at all*.

Can't we just have a higher default threshold for cron ?
Can't we default to 0 ?

I think this is something that should be looked up, if we admit load
average is a shitty measure, we shouldn't rely on it for running cron

I hereby vote for default to 0. (Thank god this isn't a democracy :-) )

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