On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 09:43:42AM +0200, Otto Moerbeek wrote:

> On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 05:22:16PM -0500, Mark Felder wrote:
> > I have great respect for you, Theo, the OpenBSD project, and all of
> > the contributers. The responses to this situation from Claude have
> > instilled great confidence in the use of this software. I just want
> > to point out that the FAQ does indeed say that "Most users should be
> > running either -stable or -release", and if there is absolutely no
> > way that the OpenOSPFD fixes can make it into an official errata
> > (even with a paid bounty?) I'll just have to grit my teeth, build
> > some -current boxes, test the living hell out of them, and hope for
> > the best. :-)
> If you have great confidence in Claudio (not Claude btw), why don't
> you trust him to make the call? He's perfectly capable of making the
> decision if it's worth his time to make an errata or stable commit or
> not.
>       -Otto

I'd like to add to this: if you test a current ospfd you would even
contribute to openbsd, by making sure the next release will be better
than the previous. And to state the obvious: jumping up and down and
yelling about being entitled to something is not considered a


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