Op Wed, 25 May 2011 15:46:01 +0200 schreef Ivo Chutkin <open...@bgone.net>:
On 25.5.2011 P3. 15:32 Q%07., Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2011-05-25, Ivo Chutkin<open...@bgone.net> wrote:
Hello Misc,
Some months ago I upgraded my firewall to 4.8 -stable form 4.5.
Everything went well except my spamd setup. I run it in blacklist mode
It is running according to logs, netstat, ps ax and top. The table
in pf.conf gets populated by spamd-setup but nothing gets to the spamd.
I am missing something obvious here but I am lost...
in /etc/rc look for this line
/usr/libexec/spamd-setup -D
please add -b to it, see if that helps, and report back.
I did so, but I am not able to reboot it now. It is production system.
When I get it done I will report back for sure.
You can run that as root without rebooting.
But, it should also be run periodically from crontab.
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