On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 6:05 AM, Dave Anderson <d...@daveanderson.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 a.velichin...@gmail.com wrote:
>>On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:25:20AM -0400, Dave Anderson wrote:
>>> I'm working on buying a notebook which will run OpenBSD, and have been
>>> grabbing the dmesg from whatever I find in stores to look at hardware
>>> compatibility (I've got a 4.9-current snapshot from 2011/4/13 on a USB
>>> stick which I boot on them).
>>> Would it be useful to also send what I collect to dm...@openbsd.org?
>>It will also help if you send the dmesgs to misc@ too or put them on some
>>publicly accessible place.
>>The are fine people outside the circle of blessed Developers who may be
>>interested in that info.
> Unfortunately, sending everything individually to the list is a pain,
> this list doesn't allow attachments (so I can't zip or tar them up in
> batches and send them that way), and I don't have anyplace handy to put
> them on the web.
> If you, or anyone else on the list, has a website you'd like to put
> these up on so everyone can see them, let me know. B I'd be happy to send
> them in batches to one person for posting.


You can send them here in text as plain text. It's expected and no one
will be angry because of that.

> B  B  B  B Dave
> --
> Dave Anderson
> <d...@daveanderson.com>

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