> On 19 April 2011 03:17, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org> wrote:
> > But without CD and tshirt sales, other parts of the project are in
> > trouble -- the things that are more difficult to fund out of
> > "donations".
> In the past I've stuck to ordering the CD set as the homepage states
> that tshirt and poster sales do not fund the project. Is this no
> longer the case for tshirts?

tshirt, poster, mug, and cd sales are handled the same.  They all
offset project costs in Canada.

> Do older CD releases fund the project in the same way that newer CD
> sets do?


> Ordering a bunch of older releases for my bookshelf (perhaps
> not 2.4!) is another way I'd consider contributing to the "money" pot.

It is a great way.  Yes, some of the CDs we are almost out of are very
expensive, intentionally.  Some of them have been bought by people, so it
is a pretty easy way to fund the project.

> Likewise, there are many older posters and a couple of tshirts that
> I'd snap up if they still fund the project in the same way.

They all fund the project.

> I'm asking this as I've no idea what your agreements with your
> distributors are (nor do I care); I'd just like the comfort of knowing
> that any money I spend is funding the project in the way I
> expect/intend.

    The direct income from sales (Computer Shop (primarily) + distributors)
        -> Keeps the electrons flowing
        -> Keeps me from taking that cushy Microsoft job

      The OpenBSD Foundation
        -> Funds the big hackathons and some smaller ones
        -> Funds the network links
      The paypal and european accounts
        -> Funds the remaining small hackathons
        -> Buys strange new pieces of hardware which are not donated

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