On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 11:56 AM, Peter N. M. Hansteen <pe...@bsdly.net> wrote:
> Alexander Schrijver <alexander.schrij...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I think it's a bad idea to disable ssh login while someone is bruteforcing 
>> your
>> account.
> We've seen quite a bit of what appears to be industrial-scale password
> guessing (google 'hail mary cloud' or a few more obvious keywords), so
> on any internet-facing system the probability that someone is trying
> to bruteforce their way in via some account or other right now is not
> negligible.
> If you allow password logins at all, there are worse ideas than
> running john (or similar) to flush out the bad ones occasionally.

This adds some interesting ideas regarding security of passwords.
Please read FAQ part too as it explains a lot of questions which may
come after reading that post.


> --
> Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
> http://bsdly.blogspot.com/ http://www.bsdly.net/ http://www.nuug.no/
> "Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
> delilah spamd[29949]: disconnected after 42673 seconds.

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