you need a weighted round robin feature to really do this, its not in pf
currently, but someone has looked into this before:

should get you started.


On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 8:36 AM, Paul Suh <> wrote:

> Folks,
> I've been looking at the pf FAQ and there are instructions for symmetric
> load
> balancing for outgoing traffic. Is there a way to do *asymmetric* load
> balancing? E.g., I have a 20 Mbps FIOS line and a 6 Mbps ADSL line. I'd
> like
> to either (A) send all outgoing traffic up to 20 Mbps through the FIOS
> link,
> then send any overflow to the ADSL line, or (B) set the pf load balancing
> so
> that it favors the FIOS link over the ADSL link by a 10:3 ratio.
> Is there a pf config that does this, or do I need to get hacking?
> --Paul
> Paul Suh                               
>                           (240) 672-4212
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature
> which had a name of smime.p7s]

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