Is this email not displaying correctly? Try the web version. Amar Consulting presents HRC2011 - Human Resource Conference 2011
Register Now ------------ Strategic HR: "A Panacea To Recovery From Recession" Honorable Speakers Highlights Professional and Talented HR Speakers from around the globe [IMAGE] How Strategic HR contributes to your business [IMAGE] Ideal platform on knowledge sharing and best practices [IMAGE] Networking [IMAGE] Panel discussion session - Tackling the HR challenges[IMAGE] Earn a CIPD membership. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Click on display image or try web version to know about speakers Click on display image or try web version to know about speakers At Crowne Plaza â Kuwait - 11 & 12 May, 2011 For more details logon to - AMAR Consulting W.L.L P.O. Box 711 Safat, 13008 Kuwait..Tel: +965 22463506, 22414617, 22414618, 22498432 & 22460530 Fax: +965 22463507Email:, - Website: & www.amarcareers.comEmail marketing by Fidus Solutions - Unsubscribe me from this list [IMAGE]