Hi list, I use pfstat to get the graphs. every graph is working fine other than pfstat-queues graph. This graph is always blank. No data to display. always empty.
Here's the output of # pfctl -sq queue std_out on em0 priq( default ) queue ssh_im_out on em0 priority 4 priq( red ) queue dns_out on em0 priority 5 queue tcp_ack_out on em0 priority 6 queue root_em1 on em1 bandwidth 2Mb priority 0 cbq( wrr root ) {std_in, ssh_im_in, dns_in, student_in, queueforuserm_in} queue std_in on em1 bandwidth 1.50Mb cbq( borrow default ) queue ssh_im_in on em1 bandwidth 200Kb priority 4 queue dns_in on em1 bandwidth 120Kb priority 5 queue student_in on em1 bandwidth 80Kb queue queueforuserm_in on em1 bandwidth 100Kb and, here's the contents of pfstat-queues section in pfstat.conf file collect 11 = queue "ack" pass bytes diff collect 12 = queue "dns" pass bytes diff collect 13 = queue "ssh" pass bytes diff collect 14 = queue "std" pass bytes diff image "/var/www/htdocs/pfstat/pfstat-queues.jpg" { from 1 days to now width 980 height 300 left graph 11 bps "ack" "bits/s" color 0 192 192, graph 12 bps "dns" "bits/s" color 192 0 192, graph 13 bps "ssh" "bits/s" color 255 0 0, graph 14 bps "std" "bits/s" color 192 192 0 } I dig from the net. I did NOT come across an answer. That's why I sent it. Could you pls let me know what will I have to do ? -- Thank you Indunil Jayasooriya