> > # /usr/local/sbin/havp
> > Starting HAVP Version: 0.91
> > *Mandatory locking disabled! KEEPBACK settings not used!
> > *
> > then, I tried to mount in this way. then, I got the below error.
> Yes, mandatory locking is not supported on *BSD and havp has been
> compiled with --disable-locking. And it's not an error but just a
> warning.
> Thanks a lot for your response.  It makes me to go ahead.

then, what about this?

KEEPBACK settings not used!

It it also normal?

or should I need to tweak below stuffs in /etc/havp/havp.config file.




and I also want to know, which method is recommended? havp as a parent proxy
( i am currently running) or squid as a parent proxy?

Hope to hear from you.

Thank you
Indunil Jayasooriya

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