I'm very happy to announce the opening of the Blowfish Unlimited shop.
I'm putting up this website because I would make easier for Europeans
to get OpenBSD goodies without excessive cost.
With this website the shipping to Europe will be less expensive !
Initially, I would like to get some requests so as to know which ones
to stock, before I make my first order to the Computer Shop of Calgary.
Attention : For the moment, this website provide only pre-order !
Please, use the contact page to notify your desire of pre-order.
For pre-order postal cost are FREE !
If I have enought pre-order, the shop will be active officialy :)
Have a nice day,
Guillaume DualC). http://openbsd.otasc.org
The Blowfish Unlimited European shop.
OpenBSD goodies ! http://openbsd.otasc.org