On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 10:47:38AM -0500, Kent Watsen wrote:
> |
> Welcome to the OpenBSD/sparc64 4.8 installation program.
> (I)nstall, (U)pgrade or (S)hell? S
> # fdisk
> sh: fdisk: not found
> # ls /sbin/fdisk
> ls: /sbin/fdisk: No such file or directory
> # ls /sbin
> bioctl          dmesg           init            mount_udf       restore
> chown           fsck            mknod           newfs           route
> dhclient        fsck_ffs        mount           ping            rtsol
> dhclient-script halt            mount_cd9660    ping6           sysctl
> disklabel       ifconfig        mount_ffs       reboot          umount
> Is it missing?

To my knowledge it is not used on sparc64 installs and thus is not on the
install media. It appears to only be used in


which are architectures that may boot from MBR formatted disks. I don't
believe sparc64 can boot from MBR formatted disks.

.... Ken

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