Why does using only UDP gives more security??

---- Be Tue, 08 Mar 2011 14:04:08 -0800 Kapetanakis Giannis
<bil...@edu.physics.uoc.gr> C-rta ----

On 08/03/11 17:34, erikmccaskey64 wrote:
> ok, i putted an OpenVPN server on port 1194 on an OpenWrt 10.03 router.
> https://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=xEZTvnhT
> http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1138443
> Questions: what could i do to increase security regarding this OpenVPN
server? - i mean on server side!
> 1 - i sed 's/1194/50000/' the port number to a higher one - it's against
the automated robots, ok!
> 2 - iptables? i should only allow ip ranges [on the input chain] that i
will use in reality? - ok!
> 3 - if i don't use my router - e.g.: when i'm sleeping i just turn it
> 4 - ? what else?? Plese write down you're idea/solution!!!
> OpenWrt isn't OpenBSD, so from the "ps" command i can see that the
OpenVPN is runned by root. it's not so secure. How can i make it more secure?

In addition to the above mentioned:
Use tls-auth
Use tls-remote
Use user/group
Use udp
Use certificates as well as username/password authentication.
Use mutual authentication (both client and server)
Use strong ciphers, encryption keys and dh parameters.

secure your server (host)
read the documentation


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