dhclient(8) on OpenBSD only supports IPv4, by design. wide-dhcpv6 exists in the ports tree, that is the available option for you if you want to use dhcpv6 and IPv6 today.
Penned by johnw on 20110301 7:50.28, we have: | I search google, and all howto is assert isp not support ipv6 and use | tunnel/gif. | but I know my isp is support ipv6, | how can i enable ipv6 with dhclient? | thank you. -- Todd Fries .. t...@fries.net _____________________________________________ | \ 1.636.410.0632 (voice) | Free Daemon Consulting, LLC \ 1.405.227.9094 (voice) | http://FreeDaemonConsulting.com \ 1.866.792.3418 (FAX) | 2525 NW Expy #525, Oklahoma City, OK 73112 \ sip:freedae...@ekiga.net | "..in support of free software solutions." \ sip:4052279...@ekiga.net \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 37E7 D3EB 74D0 8D66 A68D B866 0326 204E 3F42 004A http://todd.fries.net/pgp.txt