steven mestdagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 03:11:59PM -0500, Graham Toal wrote:
> > For anyone who is interested, I've written up a document on
> > how to install OpenBSD, configure it as a transparent bridge,
> > then install spamd on it.  It was written primarily for our
> > campus computer center who want to know how to do it if something
> > happens to me (like I get a better job elsewhere for example ;-) )
> > but I think I've written it generally enough that it will be
> > of use to anyone.
> > 
> > The page is here:  
> >
> Some quick feedback...
> You write (allow me to turn off caps):
> > The disk formatting is a major pain.
> Why?

I don't know why, I just know that both myself (experienced in BSD and BSDI
from days gone by, and linux in recent years, but not OpenBSD at all)
plus a colleague at work who has a fair bit of OpenBSD experience both
have wasted literally days with formatting problems.  So having found
a working recipe that seems easy, I thought it was worth pointing out
to folks that if you do something else, you might hit the hassles we
did.  I had tried to reuse an old partition table and failed even though
it sure looked OK to me - the install program wouldn't progress past
the formatting section; my friend had problems when he formatted the
swap partition before the data partition.

> > password for root acct?  write it down, you'll need it later
> Writing down passwords, are you serious?

To each his own :-)  I generally find that if you create a 'strong'
password, you pretty much have to write it down until you remember
it.  Then dispose of the note properly.  But that's an argument for
another forum.  By the way I'm not alone in this heresy.  At least
one person whose opinions I respect agrees with me:

> > OpenBSD doesn't appear to support multiple consoles using the F keys the
> > way linux does.
> Try CTRL+ALT+F2/F3...  it's in the FAQ.

So I've been told :-/  Unless you know something is there to go look
for it, you don't come across it (especially when all the searching
you are doing is on pf and rdr etc :-) )  I've fixed the doc.

> Also, I don't see the need for a ports tree on this type of system,
> and your installation of the "screen" application looks horrible.

Problem with 3.6 boot CD and 3.7 installation I think.  The Jove
ports install was smooth, but for some reason screen screamed.

> Wouldn't it be better to skip the installation part, and point people to
> the OpenBSD FAQ (especially faq4.html), and to the afterboot(8) manual page?

No, but I'll certainly add those pointers.  And it *is* a wiki page.  If
you feel that what I've said is just plain wrong or misleading, please
feel free to go in there yourself and correct it.  Just bear in mind
it was written by someone who needed to use OpenBSD to support a
specific tool and who before this had no OpenBSD experience, for an
audience who are in the same boat.  It's definitely not a proper
guide, it's a "How I managed to make it work after two weeks of
struggling, so that hopefully you can make it work in two hours
of slavishly typing exactly what I say" :-)

> When you copy over pf.conf, do you set its owner/permissions correctly?
> Anyway, /etc/security will let you know if you didn't. :)

Good point.  I guess I was lucky that the defaults worked OK.


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