On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 11:15:51AM -0400, Andrew Atrens wrote:
> Not sure what these 'errno 209's are about either :('

  i think i saw those in 3.7 and didn't have them affect anything
  i was doing adversely, at least noticably so...

  they aren't showing in 3.8/oct.2 ( or sep27 )

> # ipsecadm group -cpi 1004 -spi 1004 -proto ipcomp -spi2 1000 -proto2 esp 
> -dst -dst2
> ipsecadm: write: Invalid argument

  i'm getting this also, i duplicated the info you have from the 'ipsecadm 
  and then i get the 'write invalid' with all the permutations of 'group' i try.

  i threw a bunch of 'fprintf' debug markers into ipsecadm.c during the
  case GRP_SPI at the bottom, it makes it through them all, does the break
  and dies during "xf_set(iov, cnt, smsg.sadb_msg_len * 8);"

  tried doing a printf of those values before the xf_set, but using '%s' gave
  me a segfault.  "%X %X %X" gives "CFBC736C 8 50" for the same line you
  have right above.

  trying with ah+esp (, gave
  "CFBC1250 8 50"; i notice the first one, the 'iov', that is changing every

  flailed around some more, looked at the case statement up top, it looked
  almost like the comment for "SA header" should be "SA2 header" ?
  for the second part ( eg, there is a "Destination2 address header" ), but
  the actual variables in it seemed to talk about sa2 ( or "8", rather, 
  but that looks like the second one ).  noticed that there is a 'protocol'
  section that happens at the end, but only one of them; i copied the iov
  stuff ( and the smsg one ) up before the 2nd SA header part, but that
  didn't change; also tried commenting out the '=sproto2' line and made
  the current protocol stuff say protocol2; it still compiled, and when
  i ran the ipsecadm group, that junky output i got from before was now
  like "CFBD332C 9 58"; so 8 -> 9 and 50 -> 58... :/

  but perhaps all of that was entirely useless and i'm doing the group
  thing wrong too



[ openbsd 3.8 GENERIC ( sep 27 ) // i386 ]

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