On 07 Oct 2005 18:07:30 -0700, Byron Morton wrote:

>Well, I have successfully run my Ultra5 (270ghz) as a natting firewall
>with caching dns, apache, ices, mysql, php(6 dynamic sites) sendmail
>w/auth smtp (also for the 6 domains) and never saw problems or
>bottlenecks. I ran it with the hme($ext_if on dsl), and a couple of xl's
>and was totally happy with it.

Gee, I'd reckon a 270ghz unit could do that and calculate a few more
large primes every second.
<grinning, running and ducking> 
_I'd_ never make a tyop like that!   ;-)
>From the land "down under": Australia.
Do we look <umop apisdn> from up over?

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