Chris Zakelj wrote:
Jan Izary wrote:
Recently I and several other people have worked to improve the OpenBSD
article contained in the Wikipedia, I'm sure I need not explain how it
Anyways, I've worked to get as much easily accessable information
regarding OpenBSD in that article as possible and I've pretty much run
into a wall, I've got little else I can add.
I am putting a call out to the OpenBSD community at large to give a
look at the article and see if they can improve it, fleshing out
anything that has gaps and explaining some of the more complex concepts.
Things like OpenBSD centred screenshots would be nice if people would
be willing to upload them and list them in the gallery.
I would have put this on the advocacy list, but really it seems to be
dead and most advocacy seems to run through the misc list.
Looks pretty good. My only suggestions would be to note that Nick
handles the official FAQ, and adding Daniel Ouellet as the
organizer/caretaker of the unofficial user's library.
If you have any article(s) that you want to find a home for, I would be
more then happy to provide it! Contributions have been rare, so calls
was maid before, many times in fact. But actual contributions were very
fare in between.
I do have two or three articles now that are waiting my free time to be
posted, I apologies to the brave soles that actually send them to me! My
apology guys, but I haven't forgotten them trust me.
As for more place to post things, my own view and that doesn't represent
anyone else views, is that we sure don't need to duplicate efforts. The
locations are available, up to the users to make it happen.
Again, great stuff directly for the system that deserve a place on, should be sent to the always ready and incredibly brave
sole of Nick if that's a great quality for the FaQ. He sure will tell
you if it is. But first, read his requirements here:
Then send what you have based on that, either to him, if it is FaQ stuff
and of great quality, or me if that doesn't apply to the FaQ and we will
find it a home.