> First, thanks for a well made t20 evo+linux doc. > here is a post I dropped to a obsd mailinglist. I don't know if you can help > me?
[Writing this so that it can be posted to the list - I'm trying, but I don't know if my mail will be accepted when I am not subscribing to it, so can you please forward it if it doesn't get through?] Only thing I can think of is the gate A20 - I have absolutely no knowledge about the OBSD kernel, but if it tries to set gate A20 (google for more info) then it will halt. Might be lots of other stuff as well I guess, but the gate A20 was the only one I encountered when trying to load GRUB on it (see how to patch GRUB at http://fredtun.no/ltsp). Using GRUB to load Linux then worked flawlessly. So if OBSD, or (more likely) your PXE loader program, does any gate A20 switching on boot, just patch it to remove the switching (there is no gate A20 on the EVO, it behaves as though it is always on). // Dag Sverre