On Sun, Oct 02, 2005 at 06:28:53PM -0400, the unit calling itself MH wrote:
> > I get the following errors when trying to make clamav v0.87 from the
> > -stable ports tree:
> > 
> > server-th.o(.text+0x98a): In function `acceptloop_th':
> > : undefined reference to `cl_dup'
> > collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> > *** Error code 1

<< SNIP, SNIP >>

> > How to fix?
> > 
> It sounds like you have an older version of clamav already installed.
> Your linker is bonking when its searching the older clamlibs looking
> for cl_dup.  
> Fix:
> cd to /usr/local/lib and move your current clamav libs (libclamav.*) to a 
> location
> not in your linker path.  Then recompile.  

Thanks, Mike... that did it! 

I would have thought the Makefile would have taken care of this; i.e. 
deleted (or mv'd) the clamav libs... was I expecting too much, or is 
something missing from the port?

Thanks Again,

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