On Sat, Oct 01, 2005 at 05:03:48PM -0400, Chuck Robey wrote:
> I want to get usb to usb networking up on the Zaurus running OpenBSD (a 
> snap from about a week ago).  I wish to get it to communicate to the 
> FreeBSD box that is sitting next to it.
> When I :reboot: the Zaurus back to Linux, FreeBSD immediately sees a new 
> cdce0 device, and I could communicate, but the device crawls back into 
> it's hole when I boot back into OpenBSD.  I need to know how to get a 
> cdce active, I *think* (I guess I could be wrong here)
> Thanks for any help!

Sorry, usb client mode is not supported in OpenBSD at this time.
Only usb host mode is supported see usb(4) for list.
The hardware supports usb on-the-go, but OpenBSD doesn't have a driver
for it yet.

Dale Rahn                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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