Try using this: /etc/login.conf default:\ :datasize-max=512M:\ :datasize-cur=384M:\ :stacksize-cur=8M:\ ...
On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 03:53:48PM +0200, Rico wrote: * Hi * * I am trying to get java working on mozilla-firefox on obsd37. * * I have installed the jdk1.4 from ports and the installation went well. I * have created the symbolic link from to * /home/user/.mozilla/plugins * * Doing "about:plugins" in the browser java shows up as installed. * * When I try to look at a page with java, firefox crashes. * * Is there anything I am missing perhaps. * * Cheers. * Rico. -- Paulo Manoel Mafra LCMI - Laboratorio de Controle e Micro Informatica Departamento de Automagco e Sistemas - UFSC