I am going to post again in hopes that someone has possibly found
something because I don't want to have to buy a Cisco box.

My first T3 is going to be installed sometime in the near future and I
want to be prepared for it when it shows up. 

I did get the recommendation for something like an AT-TN1000 from Allied
Telesyn, and I have sent them an email to see if it will work in this
case, but I have not heard anything yet.  I will be pursuing that.


Is there a T3 card that is supported by OpenBSD?  The only one I see on
is the SBEi wanPCI-1T3, and that one has been EOLed and their new one does
not appear to be supported.

I know the wanPCI-1T3 should work, so if someone knows where to get 
those, I would appreciate the information.


On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 12:16:19PM -0700, andrew fresh wrote:
> I am wondering if the wanPMC-xT3E3 from SBE is supported.  
> http://www.sbei.net/content/products/wan/wanpmc_xt3e3/
> Obviously with an adaptor like the adaptPCI-PMC 
> http://www.sbei.net/content/products/platforms/adaptpci_pmc/
> They have recently taken the wanPCI-1T3 off of their site, and I am
> assuming EOL'd it, although I have not talked to them about it yet.
> The Ethernet controller is Intel's 21143TD 10/100 LAN Controller which
> is different than the DEC 21140 Ethernet chip that is listed in the
> lmc(4) man page.  
> Based on 
>   if (PCI_CHIPID(pa->pa_id) != PCI_PRODUCT_DEC_21140)
>     return 0;
> from if_lmc_obsd.c I am assuming it is not supported, but I am not a C 
> programmer, and especially not drivers.
> Unfortunately, I am not able to purchase one to see if it works at this
> point so I am hoping someone here knows.
> Does anyone know of a vendor that sells the SBE products and is OpenBSD
> friendly, preferably one who has donated to the project?  If not, a
> decent vendor for SBE at all?
> Is there another T3 card that is supported by OpenBSD?

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     Proud member: http://www.mad-techies.org

BOFH excuse of the day: We already sent around a notice about that.

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