Hi Nick

Nick Ryan wrote:
Strange. It's working for me - I've just tested my own setup again and it blocks me. Although the file logging isn't working though - not sure why that is...

This, I think, is the interresting part because I want that very log file to be the "blacklist" file and then to have Swatch make pf grap that file.

That way each time there is an "Illegal user" the log file is extended with the IP and pf add's that IP to the block rule.

I will try to work on this before working more on the missing block part :-)

Thanks for your reply!


Can you confirm that your pf rules have the block line in before the permit rule and that it's correct for your firewall rules - ie. no other rule is overriding it and that you're testing it on the interface the rule is on - ie the external interface.

You could change your permit ssh line to be something like this:

pass in log quick inet proto tcp from !<sshdtrolls> to $EXT_IF port 22 modulate state label "ssh in" flags S/SA

Change that line for whatever suits your rules - it's just an example of the !<sshdtrolls> bit. You probably don't even need the block rule in with this.

Also check the IP address in the table with pfctl -t sshdtrolls -T show and make sure it's correct.

The reason I think it's a firewall rule is that you said it said 1/1 address added which means that it's picking it up from the logs and adding it to the table - the only other place it can go wrong is in the block rule.

Let me know how you get on.

Cheers - Nick

Rico wrote:

Dear Nick

I have tried your setup below. I too have the setup and file placement as you, but I am not using keys.

When I try to log on as an illegal user, the atempt is logged by authlog, and having swatch runing from the console it says:

1/1 addresses added.

I am using this 'table <sshdtrolls> persist file "/root/pf/sshdhackers"'

I don't get any entries in the sshdhackers file and I don't get blocked from the system.

I also use AllowUsers

Would you mind explaining a bit more about your setup?


Nick Ryan wrote:

What you could also do is install swatch from ports or packages and have a table in your pf.conf like this:

table <sshdtrolls> persist

and a rule

#stop ssh trolls
block in log quick on $EXT_IF inet proto {tcp,udp} from <sshdtrolls> to $EXT_IF port ssh label "SSHDTrolls"

A swatchrc file of:

watchfor /Failed password for invalid user/
       exec /sbin/pfctl -t sshdtrolls -T add $13
       [EMAIL PROTECTED], --subject=woo. we have a troll
       throttle 02:00
       exec echo $13 >> /root/swatchlog

Then run swatch with:

/usr/local/bin/swatch -c /root/swatchrc -t /var/log/authlog &

(Note file locations and settings might need to be changed depending on your config)

I also have the AllowUsers and use PubKeyAuthentication and PasswordAuthentication No settings enabled in sshd_config. This means that for a normal login the error "Failed password for invalid user" won't come up as it'll never get that far as it's expecting a key.

If a troll tries to log in, they get one chance before the swatch picks it up and adds it to the block table.



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