On Sat, 24 Sep 2005 13:29:18 +0300, Kiraly Zoltan wrote:

>I want to build a home network using OpenBSD as gateway. A child in 
>network have a computer, and like to surf the Internet. I want to drop 
>her Internet connection at night (11:00AM) because the child don't go to 
11 AM at night is a very strange time seeing that AM literally means
before noon....

>I don't want to unplug the network cable, i need to do this job with 
>Exist a proxy server or solution which limit the Internet connection 
>using time? An example: Drop internet connection at 11:AM night and 
>allow Internet at 6:00 AM morning.
>Thank you very much

How about two pf.conf files (pf6to23.conf and pf 23to6.conf) and a
couple of cron entries to do pfctl -f pf6to23.conf and pfctl -f
pf23to6.conf ?

I am sure you can work out the rules. Watch out for established
connections keeping state. Flushing those might be good. It varies with
your other needs.

>From the land "down under": Australia.
Do we look <umop apisdn> from up over?

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