On 9/22/05, nate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings
>  I don't have a good way to test generating large numbers
> of states so I was wondering for a server with 2GB of memory
> which all it does is pf how many states can it handle? I
> started with the default of 10k, exausted that pretty quick,
> then upped it to 32k about 3 weeks ago then exausted that,
> upgraded it to 90k last night, and just now I see it hovering
> at around 70k.
> OpenBSD 3.7 with Intel Xeon 3.4Ghz CPU 2GB memory, 8 "em"
> interfaces(only 1 of which is being used by pf at this
> time for state info)

Been wondering what the max states are myself.  I've got a 3.7
firewall box set up that's currently routing around 20-30Mb/s (with a
pps rate of round 2.5 -3k), and I've seen state table entries over
100k a couple of times.  I went ahead and set my limit at 200k, and
we've not yet approached that, so I'm just watching it to see if I
need to up it some more.

As far as general resources, the box itself is bored silly.  I
especially like that the interrupts have consistently stayed at zero
(though I'll admit it's got good I/O - Gigabit Ethernet cards
installed in 133Mhz PCI-X slots, which is really the only way to go).

State Table                          Total             Rate
  current entries                    85143
  searches                     23873195139         6541.3/s
  inserts                        393193087          107.7/s
  removals                       393107944          107.7/s

load averages:  0.09,  0.11,  0.08                                    
36 processes:  35 idle, 1 on processor
CPU states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.2% system,  0.0% interrupt, 99.8% idle
Memory: Real: 17M/151M act/tot  Free: 853M  Swap: 0K/2048M used/tot

No worries so far.

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