> > > I'm bailing here. I don't remember 3.4 well enough.
> > 
> > I was afraid of that. I've been meaning to upgrade to 3.7 for 
> > a while -- is it
> > likely to make that big of a difference if I upgrade? If I 
> > were to still
> > experience this problem with 3.7, might you be able to offer 
> > further assistance
> > (I can understand not wanting to have to dredge through 
> > memory for something not
> > particularly relevant or exciting for someone else's benefit)?
> Yes. Review CVS history so you can see how many changes have happened since
> 3.4, particularly in the ieee80211 stuff.

Wow! This made all the differnce in the world. As soon as I got upgraded, my
clients connected with no trouble at all. I've even got better signal strength
than with my old Linux wireless AP. Kudos to all of the developers who did such
good work in the past few revisions, and thanks to everyone who suggested the
> Strictly speaking, upgrading from 3.4 (per the documented upgrade procedure,
> as in 3.4->3.5, 3.5->3.6, 3.6->3.7) will be a likely difficulty. Making the
> jump from 3.4 might be easier if you just install 3.7 and restore backups.

Surprisingly enough, I was able to get away with making the jump straight from
3.4 to 3.7 (or at least it appears that way so far). I reviewed all of the notes
for each step, and it was mostly a case of just replacing binaries and upgrading
/etc along the way (the GCC upgrade being perhaps the most important piece), so
I just took the plunge and did it all at once, and to my pleasant surprise, it
worked. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone -- YMMV -- but I think it speaks to
the quality of OpenBSD that it can perform well under such totally unanticipated

Alex Kirk

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