...on Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 11:20:42AM +0200, Florian wrote:

 > aclocal: "Provide an AUTOMAKE_VERSION enviroment variable, please"
 > autoheader: "Provide an AUTOCONF_VERSION enviroment variable, please"
 > any ideas please ?
 > PS.: snort 2.1.2 from the ports and snortsam 2.40 from the source

On which OpenBSD release?

At least last time I looked (about OpenBSD 3.3), the 
autoconf port installed several versions of autoconf, 
and you need to pick the one matching the libtool 
version you use (by setting the AUTOCONF_VERSION 
environment variable).

Exact values depend on the versions installed, but 
it's something in the line of if libtool is <= 1.3.x, 
you need to use autoconf 2.1x, and if libtool is 
>= 1.4.x, you need autoconf 2.5x. Probably the 
same with automake, but I don't remember that right 


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