Hello, I login at work using a Cisco VPN client on Windows or Linux and entering a passcode generated by an RSA SecurId card. The connection information seems to be contained in a .pcf file:
[main] Description=XXX XXXXXXX Host=XXX.XXX.XX.XXX AuthType=1 GroupName=XXXXXXX EnableISPConnect=0 ISPConnectType=0 ISPConnect= ISPCommand= Username= SaveUserPassword=0 EnableBackup=1 BackupServer=XXX.XXX.XX.XXX EnableNat=1 CertStore=0 CertName= CertPath= CertSubjectName= CertSerialHash=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DHGroup=2 ForceKeepAlives=0 UserPassword= enc_UserPassword= GroupPwd= enc_GroupPwd=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX NTDomain= EnableMSLogon=1 MSLogonType=0 TunnelingMode=0 TcpTunnelingPort=10000 SendCertChain=0 PeerTimeout=90 EnableLocalLAN=0 VerifyCertDN= EnableSplitDNS=1 Is it possible to use OpenBSD here? I have only found this thread: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=101815035100001&r=1&w=2 Could anybody please give me a direction, what to read? Regards Alex PS: I also tried running the Linux binary, but it of course didn't work: laptop72:vpnclient {532} sudo ./vpnclient connect XXXXXXX.pcf Cisco Systems VPN Client Version 4.0.3 (B) Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Client Type(s): Linux Running on: OpenBSD 3.7 OpenBSD 3.7-stable (GENERIC.laptop72) #0: Mon Aug 15 21:29:42 CE i386 The application was unable to switch to the appropriate working directory. laptop72:vpnclient {533} strings vpnclient | grep / /lib/ld-linux.so.2 /usr/local/bin ../../../GI/GI.cpp ../../../loglib/log.cpp ../../../../IpcLib/Src/FileAPI_unix.cpp /etc/CiscoSystemsVPNClient ../../../../IpcLib/Src/IpcAPI.cpp /var/run/cvpnd.pid ../../../../IpcLib/Src/SocketAPI_unix.cpp ../../../common/configfile.cpp /tmp/vXXXXXX