> I don't read all posts either so I don't fault you.  I am one of the
> ones that said the site *is* in fact broken compared to the new design
> when you look at it with Lynx.   When I am setting up a server (no gui)
> I use lynx to do my downloads.  A web site based on the new design would
> be an improvment.  Check it out for yourself.

The design of a web page has nothing to do with its accessibility via
lynx. Accessibility is a matter of source code structure and quality.

No matter what the web page looks like in a graphical browser, you can
optimize the source code to make it better accessible for people who use
lynx or other programs which mainly display the textual contents of a html
document in the order presented there. Take a look at

IMHO a redesign should use XHTML/CSS. Otherwise it would be hard to
realize proper accessibility for lynx :-)
I agree with Stuart, contents and navigation should be seperated.


> --ja
> On Wed, 14 Sep 2005, Spruell, Darren-Perot wrote:
>> From: Stuart Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > --On 14 September 2005 17:54 +0400, slack _usr wrote:
>> > > I agree with that. Such structure is much better than current one.
>> >
>> > homepage layout != website structure
>> Agreed. And current website != broken, either. As was said before,
>> let's forego trying to "fix" something which works perfectly well as
>> it is, just because of someone's petty preferences on style.
>> DS
> --

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