Hello Stuart, I'll check those files.

On routed I cannot figure out how to get the 2nd nic to allow other computers to connect to the OpenBSD firewall.

Should be pretty simple but I can't figure it out. internet ext_if de1 OpenBSD int_if de2

ppp -ddial -unit0 pppoe

I'll keep working on this over the weekend.

Thanks for your help,


John 3:16

From: Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Roger Neth Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED], misc@openbsd.org
Subject: Re: adsl ppp tun questions and routing questions
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 09:54:31 +0100

--On 09 September 2005 10:38 +0200, Eric Dillenseger wrote:

You may want to check in /etc/ppp/ppp.link{up|down} or
/etc/rc.conf(.local). Do you start ppp in /etc/rc ? as I can see, it
starts before /etc/rc initializes the network and then another time

Maybe in rc.local and hostname.tun0.

--On 09 September 2005 00:07 -0700, Roger Neth Jr wrote:

I have routed in rc.conf as routed="-q" but don't understand how to
configure any further to have the internet shared with other

routed is for RIP. Unless you already know what that is, you probably don't need it.

I can't figure out how to set the gateway to show an inet address that
is static to use at a mygateway or option routers with dhcpd on a
different server.

For the setup you've shown, the gateway address to use on the other computers is You also need edit sysctl.conf if you haven't already.

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