>From time to time we get people offering us machines like ss10's
and such.  Well we don't need those anymore (we have a few test
ones running in the project, and then quite a few more ss20's
spread around, and enough spares here and there -- even in the server
room here the sparc packages are built on 4 ss20 machines in parallel).
So we don't need the machines.
But what we are continually short of is 3.5" half-height or
third-height >2GB narrow scsi 50pin drives.  That's what you can often
find in such machines, and if people are going to scrap the machines,
please check the drives inside first.  If they meet our needs, please
stockpile them and when you've got a few ask us where they can be

A few developers have greater need for these drives, due to development
on older platforms that require them.  They are getting harder to find.

And if anyone comes trying to steal one of my precious ST318416N
drives, I will kill them.


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