At 08:16 AM 9/7/2005 -0700, Darrin Chandler wrote:
There's always a way. You could put the info somewhere within the chroot and have a cron job check it every minute and add the user. Just one idea, and it has drawbacks in a couple of areas...

There are always ways, .. but I would not consider recommending such sophisticated solutions for the basic user level of this poster. Besides, the purpose of a having a standard chroot is to restrict access to only authorized web documents & functions - allowing a cgi to create (or even access) a system user, by *ANY* mechanism, is a serious breach of that security structure.


L. V. Lammert wrote:

At 10:03 PM 9/7/2005 +1000, you wrote:


I want to put a cgi-script on my OpenBSD server for shell account
creation. Basically that allows users to sign up accounts via the web.
I however know very little about cgi, I could probably write one if I
looked into it but I thought I would ask first, because it is highly
likely that someone has already created such a script.

You can't add a user via cgi with a normal OBSD installation, since Apache is running chroot'd.


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