This is begging for a flamefest indeed, because it's all lies and
zero facts. Please don't bite.

> poncenby wrote:
> > use qmail ( as the 
> MTA - not sendmail.  
> Aaaarrrrggggghhhh!!! At the risk of starting a  
> flame-fest, do yourself a favour, ignore this  
> advice and stay away from qmail. The license  
> issue alone should make you stop and think  
> first. It is about as encumbered with  
> restrictions as it is possible to be with a  
> so-called "free" license.  
> After that, you have to start patching the  
> source and rebuilding everything from scratch in  
> order to make it actually useful. It is hideous.  
> No one can supply you a binary or even  
> pre-patched sources despite such patches having  
> been extensively tested and mature. Don't expect  
> to be able to add any kind of plug-ins either.  
> There are plenty of MTAs out there which I would  
> use ahead of qmail, especially if you're already  
> using sendmail, and as other posters have  
> pointed out, there are tools that work with  
> sendmail as it is, so there's no need to scrap  
> your MTA just to get clamav integration.  
> My 2c

# Han

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