On 9/3/05, Adam Papai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eric Dillenseger wrote:
> > Well, here's how I set it up.
> >
> > I modified the countrycode to "fr", built a new kernel, and rebboted.
> >
> > after that I saw the mac adress of ath0 in dmesg.
> >
> > # then ifconfig ath0 <ip> <mask> media autoselect nwid <ssid> nwkey
> > <wepkey> mediaopt hostap chan 11 up
> > It worked so I set it in /etc/hostname.ath0
> >
> > As I said before, the only working mode for me is 802.11b, if I force
> > a higher mode the card doesn't work. Have you tried with 'mode
> > autoselect' ?
> >
> > Hope this helps.
> > Regards,
> :(
> I'm afraid something is wrong.
> I set up to hostname.ath0 this:
> dhcp NONE NONE NONE media autoselect nwid asuka chan 1 up
> or
> dhcp NONE NONE NONE media autoselect mode autoselect nwid asuka chan 1 up
> But it didn't get dhcpoffer. I changed the router mode to MIXED, that
> means it serves B and G as wel.
> As I can see you run your Wlan card as an AP? I want to use it as a
> client to associate with AP, so I omit mediaopt.
> With Gentoo/madwifi-drivers it's working so the card is good, but I
> haven't got Linux..and  don't want to use ;]
> If I set up the card like this:
> inet ath0 0xffffff00 media autoselect mode
> autoselect nwid asuka chan 1 up
> then it seems the card blinks correctly ( as I remember from NetGear
> WG511T ), but I can't ping the router or the other wlan machines on my
> network.
> What should be the problem. I have no idea..:( I simply want to use it
> with dhcp. Any suggestions?
> --
> Adam PAPAI
> D i g i t a l Influence
> Phone: +36 30 33-55-735

Just a remark, in /etc/horname.if you don't write the 'up' keyword.
Otherwise, I don't see what's wrong. Once the card is configured, can
you post a ifconfig -a output? First, remove hostname.ath?, reboot and
try to configure only with ifconfig, if there's an error, ifconfig
should say something.

You can monitor the DHCP requests with tcpdump.

Is the access point filtering mac adresses?

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