> On 8/29/05, scorch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Matt Singerman said the following on 2005-08-29 22:32:
> >
> > >I did the restore, and it actually appears to have worked!  however.
> > >And ugh, this is a however.  The drive partitions that I created are
> > >slightly, er, off.  I mapped /usr to /dev/wd0g, but the system is
> > >looking for it in /dev/wd0f.  Obviously, this is not working.  How can
> > >I fix this?!
> > >
> > >
> > looks like your /etc/fstab doesn't match your disklabel... or is there
> > some error message you need to send us?
> >
> >
> > cheers, scorch
> >
> > --
> > out of the frying pan and into the fire

Argh.  So here is what is going on:

The restore seems to have worked.  The system boots, services start,
it's all hunky-dorey.  However, there is no network.  No.  Network.  I
run ifconfig -a, and device xl0 is started ok.  However, dc0 isn't.  I
don't know if it *should* be started, but the system seems to require
it - there are calls to it in pf.conf, and in snort's config files. 
If I try and run "ifconfig dc0 up", I get an error about the decide
not being configured.  This computer, I should mention, has only one
networking card.  Just one.  Always had.  Any ideas what could be
causing this?



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