Johan P. Lindstrvm wrote:

I would like to co-write an installation guide for twiki (it's in
packages) for us less seasoned obsd monglers, I am finding it
not-so-straight-forward and would like to help every one else on their
way, does anyone know whom I may contact about this matter or do you
feel the spotlight?

I am more then willing to supply "first line support" for this package
if it would come to that.


You probably want to get a hold of Daniel Ouellet, who's been spearheading the unofficial documentation project at It's a bunch of documents that we in the community have written for folks who are willing to do their homework, but haven't quite worked out how to get from manpage to production. You'll notice that some folks write in a style very similar to Nick Holland's official FAQ, while others (like me) are quite different.

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