On 8/18/05, Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> 1. I have a old computer that is slow and has little memory. But I want to 
> keep it updated with patches. I can't compile these patches on the system but 
> I could do it on another faster system. But how can I later apply the 
> compiled patches to the weak system?

I would suggest getting a fast machine to build whatever version of
OpenBSD you're running, then make a release(8) of that version. I
impliment this in any networks I run multiple OpenBSD installations
and it works quite well. After I build the release, I then put it on
an ftp server and I can mass upgrade/install OpenBSD machines in a
very short period of time.

> 2. Alot of you seem to use sudo instead of su - when you want to do something 
> that requires privileges. Why is this? What settings are you using for sudo?

This has been discussed a lot in the past, and I'm sure you can find
plenty in the archives about it. I know I could ramble on and on about
the advantages and disadvantages of both su and sudo, it's more a
matter of which tool you feel most comfortable with, know best, and
the type of usage and administration the system in question requires.


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