On Wed, 17 Aug 2005 11:43:42 -0400
 Timothy Donahue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > On Wednesday 17 August 2005 11:06 am, Dave Feustel wrote:
 > > I just updated via cvs(sudo cvs -q -d $CVSROOT up -r OPENBSD_3_7),
 > >> did a 'cd /ports/src;sudo make' and got the following error:
 > [snip]
 > Ummm... you mean cd /usr/src; sudo make build right?
 Have you done an make obj?
 > Anyway, your tree is borked I get no errors in /usr/src/sbin/wsconsctl after 
 > running a cvs update.  I would start by dumping your cvs tree and cvs get it 
 > again.
 Same here, so re-fetch the tree and you should be out of probs.
 > Tim Donahue
 "Security is decided by quality" -- Theo de Raadt

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