Hello Kevin, thanks for the advice and also telling me where to post this question.

You are correct, the DHCP, DNS and inet are on the SBS2003 with AD for the Windows clients. Eventually I want to move from Windows to OpenBSD for firewall, servers and desktops.

Just want to see how other OpenBSDers would use this Sun.

Best regards,


To: Roger Neth Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ultra Enterprise 2 OpenBSD 3.8 small office use?
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 21:02:49 -0700

> Finally finished having fun installing OpenBSD 3.8-beta on a Sun Ultra
> Enterprise 2 and wondering what I should do next with it.
> Running in serial console on a small office lan mixed environment, OpenBSD > 3.7, Windows XP, the Ultra is connected to a Windows Small Business Server
> 2003 DHCP server, DNS and internet service.

First this post really belongs on misc@ -- not sparc@

Second, it's hard to tell from your post: is the 2003 machine running
DHCP, DNS, and inet? If so, moving the DNS, DHCP, and certainly inet
services onto the 'nix machine would be my first steps, personally.

Lastly and most importantly: Have you read the FAQs on openbsd.org and
run:  man afterboot?


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