On Fri, Aug 12, 2005 at 05:39:37AM -0500, Dave Feustel wrote:

On Thursday 11 August 2005 19:35, Justin Reigle wrote:

I now think that there is a security advantage to using xdm to bring up
KDE - namely, that there is no unprotected console session which can be
hijacked by someone sitting down at the computer, finding the session
from which KDE was started, and putting startkde in the background.

Well, what happens when they reboot the box, go in with boot -s,
get the root shell and cause havoc?

The computer requires a password to reboot.

Clever. A password-protected power switch...

Actually, I have configured the bios on my laptop to ask for a password before even loading any kernel or doing anything, and it was quite simple actually. not only is it good for security reasons, but it also gives me time to hit f12 or f2 to choose the boot-device or enter bios-setup;)
I can't imagine this to be some ultra-rare feature :)


Regards, Baldur

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