On 8/16/05, Mike Henker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok Nick, ckecking all what you said step by step:
>  > Can you put your /etc/resolv.conf file back to the one with the ISP's
>  > dns servers in it first.
> Changed to:
> lookup file bind
> name server
> name server
>  > Can you confirm if you've got pf enabled or not and if you do can you
>  > send a copy of your pf.conf file.
>   I dont have pf enabled (all inside pf.conf file has a "#" at the
> begining of each line).
>  > Can you confirm the contents of your /etc/mygate file.
>  > Can you confirm the contents of your /etc/hostname.rl1 and
>  > /etc/hostname.rl0  files.
> hostname.rl0
> inet NONE
> hostname.rl1
> inet NONE
>  > Can you also confirm the subnet mask on your adsl router's
>  > address ( it'll probably be something like
> Yes I can confirm you the subnet mask is
>  From the firewall with these setting I can ping but cannot
> ping for example http://www.google.com

Just something that has been bugging me: are you trying to ping
"http://www.google.com"; or "www.google.com".

It's just because the frist one will never work.

> If it can help the past message that appears the past days saying: ntpd
> could not parse "pool.ntp.org" doesnt appear now.
> Please Nick if need more info letme know thanks.
> Salutes,
> Mike
> _________________________________________________________________________
> Nick escribis:
> > It's definitely a DNS issue, although it should be working as your
> > resolv.conf file looks good.
> >
> > Can you check a few things please?
> >
> > Can you put your /etc/resolv.conf file back to the one with the ISP's
> > dns servers in it first.
> >
> > Can you confirm if you've got pf enabled or not and if you do can you
> > send a copy of your pf.conf file.
> >
> > Can you confirm the contents of your /etc/mygate file.
> >
> > Can you confirm the contents of your /etc/hostname.rl1 and
> > /etc/hostname.rl0  files.
> >
> > Can you also confirm the subnet mask on your adsl router's
> > address ( it'll probably be something like
> >
> >
> > What I'm trying to do is troubleshoot a few things such as if you've got
> > firewall rules that will interfere with dns lookups and your network
> > settings to see if there's a misstype in there as it should be working
> > at the moment.
> >
> > Once we've the internet working properly on your openbsd box we'll then
> > work on getting machines behind it to access through it properly.
> >
> > Ta - Nick
> >
> >
> >
> > Mike Henker wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Nick & Greg I was testing all the steps but the problem (and
> >> remember I m a newbie and perhaps I m wrong) I think is because the
> >> firewall can t "see" Internet (exactly the rl1 card with ip
> >>
> >> I tried differents options in resolv.conf
> >>
> >> 1) The one you said ( is the gateway on the router)
> >> lookup file bind
> >> nameserver
> >>
> >> Having that in resolv.conf I can ping to, to,
> >> and also to but dont work DNS lookups or pings to machines
> >> on Internet:
> >> lynx news.bbc.co.uk or nslookup news.bbc.co.uk (said "connection time
> >> out; no servers could be reached") or ping http://www.google.com (said
> >> "ping: unkown host http://www.google.com)
> >>
> >> 2) Another option I tried is to put into resolv.conf the DNS of my ISP
> >> (as I saw it in the faqs)
> >>
> >> lookup file bind
> >> nameserver
> >> nameserver
> >>
> >> And happens the same I can ping to, to, and
> >> also to but dont work DNS lookups or pings to machines on
> >> Internet:
> >> lynx news.bbc.co.uk or nslookup news.bbc.co.uk (said "connection time
> >> out; no servers could be reached") or ping http://www.google.com (said
> >> "ping: unkown host http://www.google.com)
> >>
> >> I called to my ISP, a nice girl answer the phone and at first said
> >> Open...what ?? She said for to be connected to Internet in any OS I ll
> >> need always 3 parameters:
> >>  The gateway: 192.1668.0.1
> >>  The primary DNS:
> >>  The secondary DNS:
> >>
> >> If it can help if I connect my wife's PC (with windows) with the 3
> >> parameters the ISP said me (the gateway and the two DNS) she can surf
> >> on Internet without probs.
> >>
> >> I hope all of this info can help you for to detect what s the problem.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Mike
> >>
> >> _____________________________________________________________________________
> >>
> >>
> >> Greg Thomas escribis:
> >>
> >>> It looks like Nick's reply has everything covered, most importantly
> >>> the requirement of a new route on your router to your 192.168.1.x
> >>> network.
> >>>
> >>> Greg
> >>>
> >>> On 8/15/05, Mike Henker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> You re right, Im sorry I wrote an error instead of "192.169.1.x" I mean
> >>>> 192.168.1.x
> >>>>
> >>>> I know what I want to do, the problem is I don t know how to
> >>>> configurate
> >>>> the firewall:
> >>>>
> >>>> For to ilustrate better the structure is:
> >>>>
> >>>> Router-OpenBSDFirewall-Hub-Intranet Lan (with some machines connected)
> >>>>
> >>>> Looking nearly:
> >>>>
> >>>> Router (with gateway
> >>>>
> >>>> OpenBSD with 2 network cards:
> >>>> One network card (connected to the router)
> >>>> One network Card (connected to a HUB) I want to connect my
> >>>> wife's computer and the rest of machines (my home lan) to the hub
> >>>> for to
> >>>> be protected by the OpenBSD firewall, and all the traffic will pass
> >>>> through the OpenBSD firewall.
> >>>>
> >>>> I suppose NAT is running on my router because if I
> >>>> connect a
> >>>> machine directly to the router just need 3 parameters for to "surf" on
> >>>> Internet (my ISP give me that info)
> >>>>
> >>>> The gateway
> >>>> A Primary DNS
> >>>> A secondary DNS
> >>>>
> >>>> Greg the info you need:
> >>>>
> >>>> My wife computer s
> >>>> My laptop
> >>>> Another machine
> >>>>
> >>>> mygate file has:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Results of netstat -rn
> >>>>
> >>>> Routing tables
> >>>> Internet:
> >>>> Destination    Gateway         Flags  Refs  Use  Mtu     Interface
> >>>> default     UGS     0     0    -       rl1
> >>>> 127/8       UGRS    0     0    33224   lo0
> >>>>       UH      1    104   33224   lo0
> >>>> 192.168.0/24   link#2          UC      1     0    -       rl1
> >>>>    0:4:76:95:70:bb UHLc    1     0    -       rl1
> >>>> 192.168.1/24   link#1          UC      0     0    -       rl0
> >>>> 224/4       URS     0     0    33224   lo0
> >>>>
> >>>> I suppose I must to put as gateway in the machines connected to the hub
> >>>> the gateway (remember is the network card of the OpenBSD
> >>>> firewall connected to the Hub)
> >>>>
> >>>> Salutes,
> >>>> Mike
> >>>>
> >>>> Greg Thomas escribis:
> >>>>
> >>>>> This is a basic networking problem.  You need to post MUCH more info.
> >>>>> We'll assume NAT is running on your router.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> A little drawing of your network with IPs of your workstations,
> >>>>> firewall, and router would help.  Either you have a typo below or you
> >>>>> don't understand TCP/IP, see my note below.  Need contents of
> >>>>> etc/mygate.  Results of netstat -rn.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On 8/15/05, Mike Henker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> I checked the file you said and is correct. I think the problem is
> >>>>>> what
> >>>>>> you said because if I do a ping and a messages appears saying "ping:
> >>>>>> unknow host http://www.openbsd.org";
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Perhaps giving the maximun info will understand better what I want
> >>>>>> to do.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I installed OpenBSD 3.7
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I have a router at home and want to put a firewall between the router
> >>>>>> and the lan I have at home.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> The gateway (on the router is
> >>>>>> The OpenBSD firewall I installed has 2 nerwork cards
> >>>>>> -
> >>>>>> -
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Like the man afterboot says I enabled in /etc/sysctl.conf:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>           net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> But seems not to work, because the machines in the intranet (my wife
> >>>>>> machines has the IP for example) can t exit to Internet
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> You have 192.168.1.x in that last sentence but 192.169.1.x up above.
> >>>>> I assume you mean:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>  <->  <->  <->
> >>>>> internet
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Greg

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