Matt Garman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I just built a firewall box using a Via EPIA-CL6000E motherboard.
> I'd like to be able to monitor the temperature(s) within the system.
> However, it appears there is currently no means to do that in
> OpenBSD (at least not that I've found).
> Now I'm toying with the idea of actually developing the software to
> support the sysctl/hw.sensors interface (for this hardware, assuming
> I can obtain adequate documentation).
> I've got a respectable amount of experience developing "userland"
> applications, but never done any real kernel or "system
> internals"-level hacking (though I'm confident that I can learn).
> So does anyone have any suggested readings regarding this part of
> the OpenBSD architecture?  I'm sure google can find plenty of useful
> info, but at this point, I'm not even sure what to search for.  Any
> suggestions would be much appreciated.

/usr/src/sys is recommennded reading. There are no substitutes. Find
a driver that does something similar to what you want to do. Understand
what it does. Copy it and beat it until it does what you want to do.


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