On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 08:54:40PM -0400, francisco wrote:
> What did you try setting securelevel to?  Make sure you set it to
> -1 not 0 as at 0 init will still raise securelevel to 1 when in
> multi mode.

That was indeed my problem.  (More evidence that my original post
was too vague :).  Anyway, the exercise turned up fruitless anyway:

# ./mbmon -d
SMBus[VT8233/A/8235(KT266/KT333/KT400)] found, but No HWM available
on it!!
No Hardware Monitor found!!
InitMBInfo: Undefined error: 0

> In case you've missed it, some env hw is recognized in OpenBSD -
> run `sysctl hw.sensors` to see if it is, and check out
> sensorsd(8).

Nope, unfortunately it doesn't work. 

For what it's worth, this system is a VIA EPIA EPIA-CL6000E, and
it's stuck in a tiny case with a harddrive and no fans.  The case
itself is pretty warm to the touch (not hot by any means, but
noticeably warm)---but that's at idle.  I'm worried about it getting
too hot at load.

Anyway, thank you!

Matt Garman
email at: http://raw-sewage.net/index.php?file=email

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